Friday, March 19, 2010

My Husband Rocks Friday

This week my husband rocks because he always helps support my goals.  If I want to lose weight, he packs me vegetables to take to work, if I want to get to work earlier he tries to remind me in the mornings.  He also has lots of creative solutions for every goal that I have.  I couldn't hope for a more awesome and supportive guy!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not a know-it-all.

Many people assume that lawyers know everything - or at least everything about the law.  That couldn't be further from the truth.  Nevertheless, at least once a month I get a call from an unsuspecting friend or relative: "I'm getting divorced, can you help me?"  "can my employer fire me over my weight?" "is my son's school allowed to make him cut his hair?" 

The resounding answer is, "I don't know."

All I really know about the law is focused in on the area in which I practice which is mostly actions in Federal Court.  For that reason, I felt more than a little awkward walking into the county courthouse today to file some forms relating to my husband's adoption of my son.  I think the awkwardness was apparent as I walked through security.  After checking my bag, the officer asked me, "do you know where you're going?"

Looking around the big courthouse I answered honestly, "I have no idea." 

"Divorce?" he asked, motioning toward the papers in my hand.

"No!  Adoption."  I answered, kind of insulted.

After some motioning and confusion, I was directed toward a door at the end of a very long hallway.  Upon entering the room, a woman behind the counter greeted me asking, "divorce?"

"No! Adoption."

Apparently, I was in the wrong place.  After going a few more places I finally got to the right place - up three flights of stairs and hidden in a secret passageway behind a bookcase.  There I was asked, "do you have an attorney?"

"I am an attorney," I admitted rather sheepishly.  "I just have no idea what I'm doing."

After adopting the "I'm an idiot attorney" mantra, people were very nice and helpful to me.  After running around like a rat in a maze for an hour, I turned in the last piece of paperwork and set a hearing date.

The exciting news is that if all goes as planned, our adoption will be finalized on Tuesday!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Husband Rocks Friday

In honor of My Husband Rocks Friday, which I believe originated with this blogger, I would like to take this opportunity to mention why my husband rocks this week. 

I have had a really tough week and have not been getting enough sleep.  When I got home yesterday, I must have looked exhausted.  So, the husband let me go to sleep at 6:30 and took care of making dinner, doing dishes and getting our son fed and ready for bed.  He woke me up at 9:30 in time to make me dinner and let me tuck our son in for the night.  He woke me up telling me how much fun he was having teaching our son about computer programing.  He always has such neat activities planned for when they have time together.  After hanging out for a little while, I was still exhausted and went back to bed for the night at 11:30.  Even though I'd gotten plenty of sleep last night, he still woke up and made me breakfast and coffee this morning before work.  My husband definitely rocks this week.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

15 Things I Love About My Job

There has been a lot in the news over the past few years about bloggers getting into trouble or losing their jobs for blogging about work.  For that reason, I don't intend to rant and rave about my job, my boss, or my coworkers even if they really really deserve it (which they probably don't).  Even though this blog is semi-anonymous, there is enough personal information already to identify me to someone who knows me.  Once I get around to adding some pictures, there will be no doubt about my identity.  So, instead complaining about work, or billable hours or anything else that young attorneys complain about, I've decided to fulfill goal number 20 and make a list of 15 things I love about my job.  Here is the list:
  1. Cool co-workers
  2. Fairly casual dress code
  3. Family friendly in an emergency
  4. Profession I love
  5. Some really awesome clients
  6. More hand-on experience than I would otherwise get
  7. Comfortable income
  8. Close to home
  9. Dual monitors
  10. No internet filter
  11. Cool new office
  12. Occasional free tickets to sporting/music events
  13. Strong focus on litigation
  14. Relatively healthy co-workers who don't routinely encourage me to make poor health choices
  15. Opportunity to continue learning.
I am so thankful for my job and the friends that I have made through this job.  Especially in this rough economy, I am thankful to make a comfortable living and support my family.  I am also happy to be working in an area I love with clients who I think are awesome.  All in all, it sounds like I'm a pretty lucky girl.  

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First item complete!

I completed the first item on my 101 list tonight.  I started this blog!  Item 89 is complete.  Only 100 more to go.

Looking forward

Now that I have gone from jobless single mom to newlywed lawyer, I want to continue to challenge myself to achieve. I also want to document my life so that I can more easily remember dates and events. Having seen a lot of friends create "101 in 1001" blogs, I decided to start my own.

My goals range from whimsical (tell only the truth for a week) to serious (save up six months worth of expenses) to fun (go on a picnic) to life changing (have a baby). I hope these 101 goals give me a reason to blog regularly and keep a journal of some of the most important moments of my life.

I also hope that I will spend the next 1001 days making myself a better and more well rounded person. After the next 1001 days I hope to be happier, healthier, and smarter than I am today. Thus, without further delay, I present the list:


  1. Visit Grandpa.
  2. Visit Cleveland family
  3. Learn about eating right during pregnancy
  4. Chart one full cycle
  5. Get pregnant
  6. Have a baby
  7. Finalize adoption
  8. Visit brother and his wife and see their new house
  9. Classified
  10. Build a blanket fort with son and husband
  1. Write a law review article
  2. Publish a law review article
  3. Get to work at 8AM every day for a month
  4. Finish taking physics classes
  5. Classified
  6. Volunteer for a position in a bar association
  7. Decorate office
  8. Do Wills or other simple legal matters for a friend
  9. Finish a project at least a week before it is due
  10. Make a list of 15 things I love about my job
  1. Paint the front room
  2. Remove the wood paneling from the back room
  3. Remodel kitchen
  4. Decorate front room
  5. Paint master bathroom
  6. Replace bad part of roof
  7. Turn guest room into a nursery
  8. Organize closet
  9. Find a purpose for the random room in our bathroom
  10. Go through son's old toys and clothes and donate old stuff
Self Improvement
  1. Get to goal weight of 150 (25 pounds to go)
  2. Exercise at least once per week for a year
  3. Exercise at least 3 times per week for at least a month
  4. Quit caffeine
  5. Eat only raw foods for one week
  6. Go vegetarian for a month
  7. Run a ten minute mile
  8. Learn enough Russian to have a simple conversation
  9. Learn enough Spanish to have a simple conversation
  10. Volunteer for a cause I believe in
  11. Fast for a day
  12. Eat no more than three donuts
  1. Pay off all credit card debt
  2. Pay off Honda
  3. Pay off Kia
  4. Save up 6 months worth of expenses
  5. Contribute the maximum Roth IRA amount each year
  6. Write my Will
  7. Write husband's Will
  8. Sell leftover wedding stuff on Craiglist or Ebay
  9. Make a list of financial accounts and information for husband just in case.
  1. Buy a good camera and learn how to use it
  2. Take at least one photo of other people or things a week for 3 months
  3. Stay active in a book club
  4. Read a book outside my comfort zone
  5. Take "rock the dress" pictures
  6. Finish my "married bio"
  7. Plan something fun but economical for our first anniversary
  8. Take a photo every day in the same position for at least 6 months and make a video of it.
  9. Take a weekday off of work for no reason
  10. Go to the shooting range
  11. Go to a roller rink
  12. Take a dance class with husband
  13. Go camping
  14. Go on a picnic
  15. Go fishing
  16. Go horseback riding
  17. Reenact my first date with husband
  18. Spend a day geocaching
  1. Go to Ann Arbor
  2. Go to Burning Man
  3. Go to NYC in the winter
  4. Plan Russia trip
  5. Travel to Connecticut
  6. Go on a cruise
  7. Ice skate in Rockefeller Center
  8. Go to Phoneix
  9. Go on a solo trip

  1. Be a bridesmaid
  2. Host a bridal shower for M and A
  3. Host a party for no reason at all
  4. Travel to visit a friend
  5. Have a drink with an old friend

101 in 1001
  1. Blog about each completed item
  2. Donate $7 to the Liz Logelin foundation for each item I fail to complete
  3. Share this blog with a friend
  4. Inspire someone else to make a list like this

  1. Delete my myspace
  2. Start a blog
  3. Update blog weekly for at least a month
  4. Go an entire weekend without the internet.
  1. Send a secret to Post Secret
  2. Buy a gun
  3. Leave a note inside one of my favorite books at a bookstore
  4. Pay for a strangers meal at a restaurant
  5. Tip 100% for really great service
  6. Donate blood
  7. Tell only the truth for a week
  8. Get law license framed
  9. Read Fox News online every business day for 2 weeks
  10. Get iPod music organized

Looking back

In the last 1001 days I have accomplished a lot of major life events. 1001 days ago was June 13, 2007. I was 23 years old. I had just graduated from law school and lived with my parents while I studied for the bar exam. I had an awesome almost-seven-year-old little boy who had just finished first grade. I also had a boyfriend who I was pretty interested in keeping around. In the past 1001 days I have accomplished a lot of things including:

- Took the bar exam
- Started my first "real" job
- Moved out of my parents house
- Moved in with my boyfriend
- Got engaged
- Got married
- Took my first trip to NYC
- Took my first trip to Washington DC
- Went on a cruise
- Gave closing arguments during a jury trial
- Lost twenty pounds
- Gained ten pounds
- Successfully parented my son through second third and most of fourth grade
- Made new awesome friends
- Kept up relationships with many old awesome friends
- Bought a house

I am excited and looking forward to the next 1001 days.