Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Looking forward

Now that I have gone from jobless single mom to newlywed lawyer, I want to continue to challenge myself to achieve. I also want to document my life so that I can more easily remember dates and events. Having seen a lot of friends create "101 in 1001" blogs, I decided to start my own.

My goals range from whimsical (tell only the truth for a week) to serious (save up six months worth of expenses) to fun (go on a picnic) to life changing (have a baby). I hope these 101 goals give me a reason to blog regularly and keep a journal of some of the most important moments of my life.

I also hope that I will spend the next 1001 days making myself a better and more well rounded person. After the next 1001 days I hope to be happier, healthier, and smarter than I am today. Thus, without further delay, I present the list:


  1. Visit Grandpa.
  2. Visit Cleveland family
  3. Learn about eating right during pregnancy
  4. Chart one full cycle
  5. Get pregnant
  6. Have a baby
  7. Finalize adoption
  8. Visit brother and his wife and see their new house
  9. Classified
  10. Build a blanket fort with son and husband
  1. Write a law review article
  2. Publish a law review article
  3. Get to work at 8AM every day for a month
  4. Finish taking physics classes
  5. Classified
  6. Volunteer for a position in a bar association
  7. Decorate office
  8. Do Wills or other simple legal matters for a friend
  9. Finish a project at least a week before it is due
  10. Make a list of 15 things I love about my job
  1. Paint the front room
  2. Remove the wood paneling from the back room
  3. Remodel kitchen
  4. Decorate front room
  5. Paint master bathroom
  6. Replace bad part of roof
  7. Turn guest room into a nursery
  8. Organize closet
  9. Find a purpose for the random room in our bathroom
  10. Go through son's old toys and clothes and donate old stuff
Self Improvement
  1. Get to goal weight of 150 (25 pounds to go)
  2. Exercise at least once per week for a year
  3. Exercise at least 3 times per week for at least a month
  4. Quit caffeine
  5. Eat only raw foods for one week
  6. Go vegetarian for a month
  7. Run a ten minute mile
  8. Learn enough Russian to have a simple conversation
  9. Learn enough Spanish to have a simple conversation
  10. Volunteer for a cause I believe in
  11. Fast for a day
  12. Eat no more than three donuts
  1. Pay off all credit card debt
  2. Pay off Honda
  3. Pay off Kia
  4. Save up 6 months worth of expenses
  5. Contribute the maximum Roth IRA amount each year
  6. Write my Will
  7. Write husband's Will
  8. Sell leftover wedding stuff on Craiglist or Ebay
  9. Make a list of financial accounts and information for husband just in case.
  1. Buy a good camera and learn how to use it
  2. Take at least one photo of other people or things a week for 3 months
  3. Stay active in a book club
  4. Read a book outside my comfort zone
  5. Take "rock the dress" pictures
  6. Finish my "married bio"
  7. Plan something fun but economical for our first anniversary
  8. Take a photo every day in the same position for at least 6 months and make a video of it.
  9. Take a weekday off of work for no reason
  10. Go to the shooting range
  11. Go to a roller rink
  12. Take a dance class with husband
  13. Go camping
  14. Go on a picnic
  15. Go fishing
  16. Go horseback riding
  17. Reenact my first date with husband
  18. Spend a day geocaching
  1. Go to Ann Arbor
  2. Go to Burning Man
  3. Go to NYC in the winter
  4. Plan Russia trip
  5. Travel to Connecticut
  6. Go on a cruise
  7. Ice skate in Rockefeller Center
  8. Go to Phoneix
  9. Go on a solo trip

  1. Be a bridesmaid
  2. Host a bridal shower for M and A
  3. Host a party for no reason at all
  4. Travel to visit a friend
  5. Have a drink with an old friend

101 in 1001
  1. Blog about each completed item
  2. Donate $7 to the Liz Logelin foundation for each item I fail to complete
  3. Share this blog with a friend
  4. Inspire someone else to make a list like this

  1. Delete my myspace
  2. Start a blog
  3. Update blog weekly for at least a month
  4. Go an entire weekend without the internet.
  1. Send a secret to Post Secret
  2. Buy a gun
  3. Leave a note inside one of my favorite books at a bookstore
  4. Pay for a strangers meal at a restaurant
  5. Tip 100% for really great service
  6. Donate blood
  7. Tell only the truth for a week
  8. Get law license framed
  9. Read Fox News online every business day for 2 weeks
  10. Get iPod music organized

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